Friday, August 22, 2008

Sonoma Vacation: the List

Sonoma Vacation
places we visited and stuff we did!

And we're off! My Omnivore headed out last weekend (to beat the Labor Day crush) in search of a bout of much-needed R & R along with foraging for wine and food. And wine. And food.

We visited so many places that if I put them all in one post it would be probably be as many miles long as we drove last weekend, so I've parsed our itinerary out into individual posts. Looking at the list, I'm actually surprised at how many places we hit. I guess this will give us a head start on the Slow Food Nation next weekend and make it easier to get through all those taste pavilions at Fort Mason!

I post updates to this page as I finish blogging! Whew!

An alphabetical list of all the places we went with links to the individual posts. Take that Slow Food.

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