I consider myself a not-too-shabby cook, but when Hung made his remark about "Any chef should be able to do this dish," I cringed a little. I don't think I could.
Then I remembered. Oh, yeah. We DID try to make this once. How did it turn out...?
Well, we didn't have a mandoline back then, so the potato slices were too thick. We didn't have sea bass, so we used halibut. And we had no idea how to wrap the pieces of fish, much less make them stick together, so much of the kitchen dialogue went like this: "God%&*!@$%! STICK damn you, STICK!"
(In case you're interested, here's the recipe on Daniel Boulud's site.)
Let's just say it's a good thing that there's no photographic evidence. I think I was probably blocking it from my memory.
I don't think I could ever be a "chef." All that stuff about technique and skills -- I still don't do the knife-against-the-knuckles-while-chopping thing properly, although I must admit, I fairly certain that I can still chop an onion faster than Casey.
I'm reliant on recipes, I like to troll other people's ideas and steal from them flagrantly. And is it "cheating" to use the best possible ingredients, and then just cook 'em up with lots of butter and salt? I leave it to you to decide.

The Gourmet meal.
Are we chefs, or what...

So are we chefs or cooks? Hrm, I think we're just eaters.
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